Commissioners denounce family separations

The Cameron County Commissioners Court passed a resolution Tuesday that opposes the separation of undocumented children from their parents.

The Cameron County Commissioners Court passed a resolution Tuesday that opposes the separation of undocumented children from their parents.

The resolution slammed the practice for its psychological impact on migrant families and called it “cruel and anti-American because it contradicts the core values of the United States.”

Before commissioners voted, several Cameron County residents spoke in support of the resolution during the public comment portion of the meeting. Joyce Hamilton said she met with families who are waiting on international bridges in Matamoros and Reynosa for a chance to apply for asylum.

“I encourage everyone to do that, to see these human beings who are requesting asylum, who are running from danger,” she said. That includes children “who have a look in their eye that tells me they are right on the edge of being drawn into something terrible.”

Zoraima Diaz-Pineda said there was a “derogatory racial undertone” to the political debate surrounding immigration.

“(This) demonstrates that Cameron County is a place where children of all origins matter,” she said, “that Cameron County is a refuge, a sanctuary for families.”

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