Some major differences in philosophy

If a reader chooses to read an article or letter, it behooves him to at least attempt to determine the purpose of the writer.

If I were not somewhat informed by previous letters written by Juan Gonzales, I would have no better understanding after reading than I did before. A couple of his paragraphs seemed to contradict each other and blur the point he appeared to be trying to make.

However, on those points that I think I understand, I believe he is incorrect in his assumptions.

For instance: I don’t think that anyone interested in preserving the Second Amendment has said anything about the confiscation of guns by the previous administration.

In the first place, the president, any president, does not have the authority, and as far as I know has never suggested any such thing. Gun owners are not gun producers and are therefore not making a profit anymore than Mr. Gonzales is making

a profit on the groceries that he eats. They are purchasers.

As for being murders as Mr. Gonzales has implied, going outside one’s door would be a fearful event with such blood thirsty villains roaming the streets; and while he is making accusations about the murderous intent of others, isn’t he stirring the embers of his own hatred toward those he has accused. It would be difficult not to.

Personally, I believe that Mr. Gonzales has let his emotions override his common sense. If he insists on finding gun owners murderous in intent, how many killers of school children and other mass killings has he found to be members of the NRA?

In his reference to the rich, I would imagine that if he bothered to check with those who are reasonably affluent, the majority have lived from hand to mouth on the income they also worked to earn.

Furthering their wealth through their own resourcefulness is the promise and the results of our capitalistic system which is so abhorred by the socialistic minded. Republicans have been found to contribute more to charities than Democrats.


The Democrats expect the government to take

care of that through government programs which unfortunately take the heart out of giving. As to the reference concerning some wanting to keep others from receiving their pensions or earned social security, where did he meet such people?

President Obama was the president in favor of late term abortion. I doubt that all of either party are for or against abortion.

However, not many of those, even those who are pro-abortion, favor an abortion at birth.

Those who would divide us into warring camps plant ideas that are hateful to us all and attribute them to those they wish to vanquish.

We would be much better off to question the motives of those who feed that division. Hate and malice are dangerous and nasty things to deal with and are a dangerous weapon when used to pit us against each other.

The killings at the Texas school has taken place since this letter was started.

Again the NRA is being blamed along with Donald Trump. The vicious hatred expressed in the foulest language calls into question as to whose behavior is the most likely to perpetuate crazed killings.

Sincerely, Norma Christian, Raymondville