Primera improving park, adding more

PRIMERA — City leaders have answered the community’s request for better parks and better quality of life.

Change is on the way in a good and healthy way for the community.

The city is working on expanding its city park and installing a connecting hike and bike trail for residents.

“It’s pretty exciting,” Mayor David Kusch said. “We did a survey a number of years ago and the community’s main concern was the city’s quality of life and parks were a key issue.”

The health and wellness project is being funded at a price of $900,000. Those funds are a part of two separate grants and matching funds from the city.

The Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife awarded the city a $200,000 grant to upgrade the city park and the city matched those funds as a requirement to receiving the grant.

And the Valley Baptist Legacy Foundation awarded the city $500,000 to add exercise stations.

According to leaders, the city plans to have the hike and bike trail complete by September.

The park will be complete by October.

The city park will get a new section with exercise stations and covered benches with barbecue pits.

The park will also be accessible for people with disabilities to exercise and enjoy the playground playscapes.

A lighted trail will start within the park and will connect to the hike and bike trail that stretches for one mile along Stuart Place Road.

Contractors have been laying down the asphalt daily.

“We are trying to meet the needs and requests of what the citizens want,” Kush said. “We are trying to get things done.”

The mayor praised the teamwork of the commission, the city administrator and consultants for helping secure the grants to make the project happen.

“We are not done yet,” Kusch said with optimism. “There is more coming.”