LETTERS: On James Comey and Hispanic children

Analyzing James Comey’s motives

Former FBI Director James Comey has been all the talk on liberal media outlets and TV shows as he peddles his book, “A Higher Loyalty.” I do not plan to buy it. I detest a man who claims to be so high and mighty and comes out with a for-profit book after he caused the FBI to become politicized before and after the election by leaking memos to the press — an act that I believe should cost him civil and criminal penalties since FBI employees are legally bound to non disclosure of sensitive information while employed and after leaving the agency. I think Comey has violated both. The only higher loyalty Mr. Comey subscribes to is his own narcissistic holier than thou “I did nothing wrong” mentality.

Jake Longoria, Mission


Regarding Martin Schram’s April 20 column “Comey’s shoes walk us toward his real motive,” I agree that suggesting that James Comey’s reopening of the Clinton email investigation a mere week and a half before the presidential election could have turned some pro-Hillary voters against her. Perhaps she would have won if that had not happened. But that should never have been a story in the first place.

On July 5, 2016, Comey went on TV and told the American people the results of the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s handling of emails. He said Clinton was reckless, endangered national security, and was extremely careless in the handling of emails when she was Secretary of State. He said there was no “intent.” Criminal negligence does not require intent. An earlier draft of the speech said she was “grossly negligent” but that was changed to “extreme carelessness.” Extreme carelessness has no legal definition and/or ramifications. But someone who is charged with “gross negligence” in handling our nation’s intelligence can be punished criminally with prison time or fines. Comey should have recommended in July 2016 that Hillary Clinton be charged with crimes. She should have been removed as a presidential candidate for the Democratic Party.

Darrell Williams Sr., McAllen

Don’t pick on Hispanic children

I enjoyed the April 26 full page letters to the editor in The Monitor. Some caught my attention, including one from Irwin Mendoza, of the Prevention Resource Center, where he stated that Hispanic children are exposed to alcohol at an early age. I am wondering where he got this information? Has he been to South Padre Island during Spring Break and seen how many non-Hispanics are drunk and driving around?

Raoul R. Villarreal, McAllen