Chancellor’s Excellence Award – Robert Hernandez

BY Amanda Sotelo

For nearly two decades, Chemical Technology Lead Instructor Robert Hernandez has put his students first, introducing them to the world of chemistry and an industry that is growing. It is this commitment that has earned him a 2018 Chancellor’s Excellence Award.

“I am honored to be included in this elite group,” said Hernandez. “This was unexpected, but it’s so great knowing that my work is acknowledged and appreciated. Thank you for the nominations.”

The Chancellor’s Excellence Award is given by TSTC’s Chancellor Mike Reeser to select faculty and staff for their distinguished service and dedication to the college, communities and their state.

“These teammates were nominated by their peers, recommended by their Provosts and Vice Chancellor’s and chosen as faculty and staff who model excellence in our college every day,” said Reeser. “Their caring and dedicated efforts embolden us all to make a difference in the success of our teams and the lives of our students.”

The Houston native first stepped foot in TSTC in 2000 with extensive experience as a chemist.

He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Texas at Austin in 1992 and worked nearly a decade as an analytical chemist for the Texas Department of State Health Services analyzing environmental samples of drinking and surface water and soils.

“I came from a modest home, didn’t have a lot of money, yet I was introduced to many opportunities,” said Hernandez. “I want to do the same for my students and incoming students. I want to introduce them to the possibilities that are out there.”

Hernandez was first introduced to the field of chemistry during high school while attending a magnet school that specialized on the subject and he wants to provide that same inspiration through TSTC’s Chemical Technology program, the only program of its kind in the Rio Grande Valley.

“I never imagined myself as a teacher, but now almost 20 years later I can’t think of doing anything else,” he said. “This is the most rewarding job. It was the perfect fit for me back then and I can see myself doing this for many more years to come.”

He said his favorite part of the job is helping students who were once told they would never succeed because they were poor or did not have the perfect grades, but have the motivation and work ethic to better their lives.

“I have seen so many students who match this description come through our program or TSTC in general and make it,” he said. “I love seeing them succeed and grow. That’s what it’s all about and I’m proud to be a part of that.”

David Campos, division director for Architectural, Science and Engineering at TSTC and Hernandez’s supervisor said this award was long overdue for Hernandez.

“Robert is a very talented man in his field. He cares a lot about his students and is always willing to go above and beyond for them,” said Campos. “He’s a great leader and tremendous asset to our team and it’s about time he received this recognition.”

Hernandez said he hopes to continue making a difference and changing people’s lives alongside his team and administration.

“I’m so grateful for the team I get to work with every day and for an administration that fully supports our efforts and work,” he said. “We all have a common goal and that is to change lives and provide careers and that’s why our students are so successful.”

Hernandez will be attending the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development Awards dinner and celebration in Austin next month and will join the other 16 Chancellor’s Excellence Award recipients from across TSTC’s 10 campuses to be recognized and receive their award.