Guns are for killing

One can get tired of hearing that guns do not kill people.

The logic sounds good but it is badly flawed. We are told over and over that guns are to be protected at any cost.

All guns are made to kill something be it animals or people.

Let’s for a moment apply the logic that guns do not kill people, people do. Drugs do not kill people, people do … We outlaw many drugs because they are so dangerous to people. Well, so are many guns.

If we can declare some drugs bad for people why not declare some guns are bad for people.

Not all guns and not all drugs need laws to protect people. We seem to know what is bad for us, bet you do, too.

Did you ever hear of a Hunter using a machine gun to hunt game?

Even bear hunters do not use machine guns, but machine guns are great for killing people.

John A. Chesney Port Isabel