LETTERS: On new McAllen drainage utility fee and Pharr officers

New city of McAllen drainage fees

I’m in complete agreement that the city of McAllen needs to improve drainage throughout our neighborhoods, and I understand why they are seeking bonds and imposing a new drainage utility fee. However, one thing I have not heard, is how the city is looking to innovate in reducing run-off and flooding. If you look at many of the new and old developments across the city, there are acres and acres of paved land. This is land that is no longer soaking up the rain that falls, and eventually goes into our drainage ditches. Why has the city not looked into adopting new development standards that would require less impervious cover and incentivize the use of rain gardens, green roofs, etc.? Not to mention reducing the outrageously high parking requirements that are exacerbating the problem, and taking up valuable property. These new practices should be incorporated into the overall effort to reduce flooding, not just the expansion and creation of more ditches and ponds. It is time the city began looking beyond what it has done in the past, and start looking into new ways that can help reduce flooding.

Rey De La Garza, McAllen

‘Pharr-the-well’ to one and not the other

The Feb. 19 Pharr City Commission meeting was an occasion to witness and be a part of as a thankful community enthusiastically and emotionally wished the best for J.C. Aguirre after 33 years of faithful service to and caring for the residents of Pharr. Officer Aguirrre was afforded a moving “Pharr-the-well” gracious, goodbye that, in my opinion, was diametrically opposite to the equally deserving, also long-serving immediate past Pharr chief of police. He was also heavily involved and committed to helping Pharr’s wayward youth and those struggling in our community. His retirement still brings up questions and I do not believe has been completely, nor honestly, explained to the citizens of Pharr who are always deserving of the fully transparent truth.

What a still unexplained stark contrast of a happy, full of hope farewell, vs. humiliation-filled discharge of our Pharr police professional protectors!

Kenneth C. Fletcher, Pharr