Harlingen resident assigned by governor to state board

HARLINGEN — Jimmie Limon has been tapped by Gov. Greg Abbott to help lead the Texas Product Development and Small Business Incubator Board as one of the board members.

Limon, 42, from Harlingen, is an accounting lecturer at the UTRGV Vackar Business School.

Heading into the first meeting next month, Limon plans to promote the Valley and find ways he can help Valley businesses access the loans.

“I would like to get a feel on how this program can benefit entrepreneurs in this area,” Limon said. “I would love to see this program and other programs like it bring opportunities to our area.”

He said he has seen a lot of great ideas come out of the Valley but they have lacked guidance to capitalize on those loans.

“We can put them in contact with the right advice,” Limon said. “That is what bankers are looking for.”

He said loans through the Governor’s Office are larger loans and can jump from thousands into the millions.

“It is a great honor to be able to serve, first and foremost our community and secondly our governor,” Limon said. “Several things have prepared me for this, such as my involvement in academia, my membership in different associations in the Rio Grande Valley, and being an entrepreneur in the areas of finance and development.”

The PDSBI provides financing to aid in the development, production and commercialization of new and improved products to foster and stimulate the development of small businesses in the state.

Limon’s term is for five years ending in 2023. The board consists of nine members, all appointed by the governor.

The board will hold regular meetings in Austin and at various places and times scheduled by the board in formal sessions.

Limon said he hopes his involvement will benefit the Valley community in a positive way.

“I hope to raise awareness of the business community in my area to the board, and also educate those business individuals or companies and organizations in the Valley of the existence of this program and how it could benefit our local community,” Limon said.