LETTERS: On gun violence and a border wall

Get NRA convention to RGV

The National Rifle Association reportedly has been asked by one member of the Dallas City Council to move its upcoming annual convention, which was scheduled to be held the first week of May, to another municipality. I implore the city of McAllen, its mayor and city commissioners, to pass a resolution inviting the NRA to hold their 2018 convention at the McAllen Convention Center. Have the McAllen Chamber of Commerce also extend a welcome. Throw in a word from the local hotel and motel and restaurant associations, as well. A serendipitous opportunity on such a large scale begs to be taken up by those who are willing and prepared. There is no room for entertaining political correctness. This is all business.

Imagine the economic impact that 800 exhibitors, along with 80,000 patriots, would have on our local and regional economy. It could inject millions of dollars into our economy. Dallas’ loss could be McAllen’s gain. Being proactive to offset the Christmas Parade is reasonable and prudent. Not to mention, the indelible impression that thousands of armed patriots would make upon

the cartels who are operating a scant stones throw south of the Rio Grande.

Eduardo R. Estrada, Edinburg

Take responsibility America

It appears to me that any time a youngster becomes a football hero, or successful girl athlete, parents are proud to step forward to accept some of the accolades. We, in the United States, are ready to give credit where credit is due. Why then are we not ready to assign some of the blame for allowing our young to commit murder using a weapon supposedly under our possession and control?

Ben Raiche, Pharr


The shooting that took place in Florida, as well as all the other schools, churches and businesses over the years, are a travesty. I feel that our political leaders should tweak the gun laws of this country somewhat. But more importantly, what needs to be addressed are the vicious video games that are being sold to our children! These video games are gruesome, horrific and satanic.

Our leaders in Washington should either make these video games harder to purchase or ban them altogether. I am certain we would see less violent acts in the future if this was enacted by Congress.

Oh, and by the way, it wouldn’t hurt to put prayer back into our public schools.

Steven P. Syverson, Weslaco

‘Good riddance’

In regards to the Feb. 25 letter from Louise Minton, of Mission, titled “Build the wall”: If you did drop your subscription, you would not be missed.

Good Riddance.

Mary Puente, McAllen