Common courtesy

It’s a windy Monday – trash day – the inevitable flying trash mess of wrappers, bags and boxes landing in our yard is in progress.

We’ve been out several times to retrieve the irritating loose trash that’s blown into our yard because the City receptacles’ lids have blown back which enables loose, un-bagged trash to fly all over the yards.

It’s been an on-going issue that began when we moved to Harlingen several years ago.

Not bagging loose trash is discourteous and can be dangerous to dogs – the items in our yard are plastic grocery store bags, lightweight boxes and plastic candy-wrappers.

I make sure my trash is securely bagged before tossing it into the City container to prevent this problem.

I regularly secure my trash in bags and they’re securely tied. It’s a courtesy to my neighbors.

Is it too much trouble to return the favor?

Susan Lipscomb Harlingen