Writer’s statements ludicrous

I write in response to N. Rodriguez’s letter published Feb. 9 referencing tax reform.

I take no issue with the facts laid out in the letter, but the spin placed on those facts borders on the ludicrous.

N. Rodriguez lists several companies that have given bonuses.

Bonuses are not raises. They are one-time events.

The corporate tax cut is forever (or until Congress raises it.) For corporations like Apple, AT& T, Bank of America, and Fiat Chrysler these bonuses could be one time advertising buys that use N. Rodriguez, Senators Cornyn and Cruz and President Trump as the spokespeople.

Employee raises are totally different in scope and effect.

Except as reaction to labor market forces (Walmart raising rates to match Target’s earlier raise to employees for example) and several states increase in minimum wage, we are not seeing the growth in salary as of yet equal to the growth in corporate bottom lines provided by the tax cut.

N. Rodriguez goes to great lengths to state these bonuses and raises are not “peanuts” or “crumbs.”

I agree.

Great for the people who got them. Mr. S. Perez and Minority Leader Pelosi just got the analogy wrong.

The tax cut bill was President Trump, Senators Cornyn and Cruz and the rest of the GOP taking America out to a fast food restaurant, ordering burgers, sodas, shakes, fruit pies and giving those items to the wealthiest 20 percent and giving the rest some fries.

And here’s the kicker.

The GOP borrowed the money to pay for this meal. In a low interest rate, low employment environment they borrowed $1.5 trillion.

Any guesses on who is going to be expected to pay the bill?

Michael Nicholson, La Feria