Paths to citizenship

I am a 3-year resident of the RGV and a daily reader of the Valley Morning Star. Each morning I look at the front page headlines, then go directly to the Opinion page.

On Feb. 2, there were some great words printed there – all true statements; made by Jim N. Taylor and Norma Christian, as well as the affable Ruben Navarrette who at times seems to talk out of both sides of his mouth.

Why does everyone, even the alleged “lawmakers” in Washington, D.C. continue talking about a “Path to Citizenship” for the so-called “Dreamers?”

There are laws on the books which have been there for decades that provide that “Path to citizenship.”

There are also laws that provide for handling of all illegal immigrants who are in this To the Editor: country illegally.

All the DOJ needs to do is enforce the laws as they are written.

I am not against immigration; just do it legally; do the paperwork, file an application, learn the language so you can speak the language; and the government of the USA.

All states, counties and cities should print all paperwork, including ballots, in English and eliminate the vast expense of printing all forms, booklets, letters, ballots, etc. in many different languages, most of which are not known to the citizens of the USA.

John Grady, Harlingen