LETTERS: On Trump’s speeches, helping seniors, ‘jackass’ pullquote and watching pets

Compromise Democrats

Did you hear the same State of the Union Address that I did, Raoul Villarreal? You’re right that the Democrats could show their disapproval by staying seated, but how can a person be so heartless as to stay seated when the parents of slain children were introduced, or so petty when the young boy who put flags on the graves of veteran was introduced, or the couple who adopted the drug addict’s baby? Where is their compassion and love of country? Sorely lacking, I fear.

There are murders by all groups in this country. That was not part of the speech. President Donald Trump was showing the ruthlessness of the MS-13 gang and what it does to the victims’ families. Guns were never mentioned. Check out the Constitution. I “believe” that the Second Amendment guarantees us the right to bear arms.

As for Flint, Michigan, that city as well as Detroit, has been run by Democrats for many years. It’s a sad state of affairs when a party can do so much damage where they are supposed to help.

The president did reach out to the “other side of the aisle.” In order to have a well-run government, both sides have to work together. Until Democrats can put aside their hatred of President Trump and work together through compromise, we will have the mess we call our government.

Barbara Baker, McAllen

Helping seniors

It’s a crying shame that as of Jan. 1, older Americans and people with disabilities have been having to pay completely out-of-pocket for physical, occupational, and speech therapy, as soon as a few weeks after a stroke or a fall.

Many older individuals may be forced to ration their care. There’s no excuse for Congress to leave them out in the cold when they are struggling to cope with Alzheimer’s and strokes, etc.

Older Texans have worked hard and paid into Medicare their whole lives. We demand that our Texas members of Congress do everything possible to help fix this harmful policy so that they can get the rehabilitation services they need to stay independent.

Lawrence Randle, AARP Texas all-volunteer executive council

Opinion, not news

Couldn’t help but notice the Donald Trump quote highlighted in Sunday’s Monitor on page 3A from the story on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s travels through Latin America. The pullout quote, in large print, was on Trump’s threat to stop aid to these countries if they fail to stop drugs from crossing into the United States. Imagine my surprise when I read that the quote was attributed to “Donald Trump, America’s jackass.” Nothing against the characterization, mind you, but it probably belongs in the Opinion pages.

Barry Berger, Mission

‘Rude’ Trump comments

Respect is essential. People should respect each other — no matter what language you speak, where you come from, or the color of your skin. And presidents should be leaders. Between the 1800s and 1850s, immigration was a major factor for the expansion of the population in the United States.

A land, that was originally owned by Native Americans.

On May 28, 1830, The Indian Removal Act was signed by President Andrew Jackson, authorizing the president to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders.

Yet recently President Donald Trump was disrespectful toward Native Americans.

“I just want to thank you because you are very, very special people. You were here long before any of us were here,” Trump said. “Although, we have a representative in Congress who has been here a long time … longer than you — they call her Pocahontas!”

How arrogant and rude. Trump said, “They don’t look like Indians to me” Trump suggested they were part of the Mafia. That’s being ignorant about the past. That’s something kids learn at school. Trump has something in common with Andrew Jackson, and that is that both of them have a complete lack of respect for many other people.

Melissa Alvarez, McAllen

Supervise all pets

Zoey, an 8-pound dog who was reportedly snatched from her guardian’s fenced yard in Pennsylvania by an eagle and found four miles away—whimpering, wounded, limping, and covered in icicles — is lucky to be alive. She is also a reminder that it’s never safe to leave animals outdoors unattended, even for “just a minute.”

Hungry wildlife are just one of the countless dangers that dogs and cats face outdoors. Many animals are painfully killed after being hit by cars, ingesting poison, contracting fatal diseases, being abused by cruel people, and suffering other horrific fates.

Our animal companions are as vulnerable as toddlers in the great outdoors. It’s imperative to keep them safe by keeping them indoors, making sure they are microchipped and wear collars with current identification tags, and allowing them outdoors only on a leash and harness or in a fenced area, under our constant supervision. Visit www.PETA.org to learn more.

Lindsay Pollard-Post, The PETA Foundation, Norfolk, Virginia