Healthy Harlingen to promote workplace wellness

HARLINGEN — The Mayor’s Wellness Council and Healthy Harlingen want to promote healthier lifestyle.

And apparently, that starts in the workplace.

Healthy Harlingen will have a meeting today morning at the Chamber of Commerce to discuss ways to create a healthier work environment.

Businesses will be asked to participate and take a wellness assessment by “It’s Time Texas,” a statewide health initiative that allows cities to compete against each other by gaining points through completing healthy activities.

The assessment will allow business owners to check how health-friendly their workplaces are and provide feedback and tips on how to improve.

According to Crystal Tait from Healthy Harlingen, simple gestures such as providing fruit in the break room and organizing lunch time walks can provide significant health benefits and improve workplace morale.

“Healthier people are happier people and happier people tend to be more productive,” Tait said.

Employers who visit the ITT Work Healthier website are given an assessment designed to take a snapshot of the opportunities for health and wellness in their organization.

The website offers a pledge for employers to sign and resources to help with ways to improve workplace wellness efforts.

Tait said creating a healthier work environment and promoting wellness will lead to a decrease in sick days and insurance claims.

“When employees see that their employers care enough to have that program it also makes them feel valued,” Tait said.

Employers signing the pledge and attending the event today will be placed into a raffle to have a bike rack installed at their place of business for free.

“We all have to start small,” Tait said. “Small changes equal big results.”


WHAT: Buenos Dias Harlingen, Healthy Harlingen Workforce

WHEN: Today, 8:30 TO 9:30 a.m.

WHERE: Harlingen Chamber of Commerce, 311 E Tyler Avenue