Hundreds line up to reserve RV slots at Isla Blanca for the summer

Hundreds of people camped out overnight near Isla Blanca Park for their chance to reserve RV slips for Isla Blanca Park and Andy Bowie County Park for the summer.

Hundreds of people camped out overnight near Isla Blanca Park for their chance to reserve RV slips for Isla Blanca Park and Andy Bowie County Park for the summer.

People began camping out as early as 5 p.m. Sunday in hopes they would get the chance to reserve their RV spot for the summer.

County officials opened the doors to the Cameron County Parks and Recreation Office at about 7:45 a.m. this morning where they started to accept reservations.

Rio Grande City resident Andy Hernandez had been waiting since 8 p.m. Sunday night and let out a big “woo, hoo.” as he walked out of the recreation office this morning with his reservation receipt in hand.

Although county officials had said camping outside of the registration office ahead of reservation opening day would not be permitted, after discussing the issuing last night agreed to let people camp outside in the Schlitterbahn parking lot.

Cameron County revised its RV park reservation policy last year in hopes of making the process more equitable.