IRON WOMAN: Soon-to-be teacher completes 140-mile triathlon

HARLINGEN — When Leandra Ruiz landed in Cozumel, Mexico, it was not for vacation.

The single mother of three had no plans for time at the beach or shopping.

Instead, she had been training to do something she had never done before: complete a full Ironman race.

The famous triathlon known as the Ironman, tests athletes in swimming, running and cycling over a 140-mile distance.

Ruiz is a member of iTRY RGV, a group dedicated to training for triathlons.

In April, Ruiz challenged herself to complete a half marathon.

When she did that, she decided to go a step farther.

In November, Ruiz flew to Mexico to complete the 140.6 mile triathlon.

“It was kind of overwhelming when I landed,” Ruiz said.

She said she remembers feeling like a “chubby panda.”

“When I first got there I broke a little, feeling out of place,” she said.

After getting settled in and taking some time to rest, Ruiz was ready and excited.

She has always kept active and played soccer in high school for the Harlingen Cardinals and then competed in cross country in college, only stopping when she became pregnant.

Training for the race, Ruiz felt at peace.

“The Ironman gave me time to myself,” Ruiz said. “If everything falls apart at least I can have time to myself.”

Ruiz went alone and said she felt underprepared, but everything turned out fine.

“It is the most amazing thing you could ever do,” she said.

While Ruiz enjoyed her experience, she said between her children and becoming a teacher, the chances of her going back are slim.

“I don’t know if I have the time,” Ruiz said. “Now I’m focused on my family.”

Ruiz said that wouldn’t stop her from training and working out, she just wants to spend more time focusing on her family.

HOMETOWN: Harlingen

OCCUPATION: Soon-to-be teacher

FAMILY: 3 children

DID WHAT: Completed

140.6-mile triathlon