Compassion in action: Rachel’s Challenge strives to changes students’ lives

Angela G. Leal Elementary (AGL) students were recently inspired by the vision of Rachel Joy Scott, a victim in the 1999 Columbine High School massacre.

Rachel is the inspiration for “Rachel’s Challenge.” Led by Rachel’s parents – Darrell Scott and his wife, Sandy – Rachel’s Challenge is an international school outreach program and the most popular school assembly program in America.

One of the goals of Rachel’s Challenge is to transform ideals of kindness and compassion into actionable strategies that help promote safe and productive learning environments. Rachel’s Challenge exists to equip and inspire individuals of all ages to replace acts of violence, bullying, and negativity with acts of respect, kindness, and compassion.

“Participating in Rachel’s Challenge has allowed our campus to grow as an organization that promotes kindness and compassion for all. This program has empowered students to take control of their actions and how they treat others,” says campus principal Virginia Romero.

“We have created a more connected environment that is filled with kindness and respect that extends beyond our school walls. Rachel’s challenge causes us to think outside ourselves. It shows us that trust, compassion, and beauty can make this world a better place, Romero adds.

Presenter Cody Hodges visited the school district’s rural campus to motivate those present to evaluate how they treat others and to create a chain reaction of kindness and compassion. The fun, energetic, and interactive assembly mixed music, video, and activities to tell Rachel’s her story.

Hodges presented the five “Link up!” pledges:

1. use kind words and do kind things;

2. accept and include others;

3. choose positive influences;

4. set goals; and

5. keep a journal

The final challenge is to commit to Rachel’s theory of the formation of a chain reaction through these five pledges by sharing these commitments with their family members, friends, and peers.

Rachel’s two-page essay – My Ethics; My Codes of Life – written just a month before her murder advocates her belief in compassion being “the greatest form of love humans have to offer.” She wrote, “I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same. People will never know how far a little kindness can go.”

School counselor Elsa Alegria explains that Rachel’s Challenge is a unique opportunity for students at AGL to start a chain reaction of kindness and compassion, adding that the program promotes unity and helps students develop positive social skills.

“We all have the same opportunity to impact people with kindness and compassion, and it is humbling to share her message. It’s important to me that people know how valuable they are and how they were created for a purpose, no matter their background or personality. Rachel’s message is all about that,” Alegria says.

Essentially, Rachel’s vision was to create a chain reaction of kindness and compassion in an effort to conquer school violence, bullying, and teen suicide. AGL students and staff have proudly accepted the challenge to create their very own chain reaction.

Since Rachel’s Challenge was founded, over 25 million students, educators, and community members worldwide have heard Rachel’s universal message of kindness and compassion. For additional information on Rachel’s Challenge, please visit the program’s website,