Boys and Girls Club seeks new board members

SAN BENITO — The Boys and Girls Club of San Benito is looking for new board members to serve in the upcoming year.

In a Facebook post earlier this week, board president Liz Chavez announced the board is looking to expand.

“Passion for the club and its mission is required,” the Facebook post stated.

Currently, the board is comprised of eight members from the community, but Chavez is hoping to almost double that number for the new year.

“The more hands on deck we have, the more we can offer the club in terms of better quality,” Chavez said.

Chavez said there are no requirements for applicants so long as they have a passion for the club and its cause.

“The biggest thing is they must have a genuine passion to serve the Boys and Girls Club,” Chavez said. “Everything else can be taught.”

Chavez said the board is looking to grow in terms of quality and wants to recruit applicants with strengths that compliment current board members.

“We are looking for individuals that have fresh eyes and a new perspective,” Chavez said.

The board has been actively searching for new recruits and has received responses from eight individuals since the post went up Monday.

Chavez said the addition of new members will allow the board to focus on the club’s specific needs.

Within the board there are four committees that all members serve on that include finance and operation, safety, fundraising and executive.

Committees focus on different aspects of the club.

Chavez said they want to add two new committees, programming and grants, once the new members have been chosen.

“Everyone is on every board, which makes it hard to focus,” Chavez said. “The increase of members will allow us to divide and focus on specific areas.”

The addition of new board members is one among many changes being made within the club.

Earlier this month, the Boys and Girls Club entered a partnership with the school district to transport students from Miller Jordan Middle School to the club.

The club has seen an increase in membership and Chavez said parents have been calling to sign their children up.

Chavez said within the coming month, the partnership could expand to include Dr. Cash Elementary.

Interested in becoming a board member?

Email [email protected] for more information and an application