Runaway teen update

HARLINGEN — Daniel Trigg emailed the Valley Morning Star Saturday afternoon stating his daughter Luna Nina Doran had retuned home safely.

“She is home now and she is safe,” Trigg said over the phone yesterday.

But, for more than more than 72 hours, he and his wife with the help from Harlingen police, were in search of Luna, who the family believed was missing.

Police had been treating the investigation as a runaway.

It was known by police Luna had runaway before.On Monday, Nov. 6 Luna had been dropped off at school, but did not return after the school day had ended.

Trigg said Luna has not said where or who she was with during the days she was gone.

Fatal collision in San Benito probed

The Texas Department of Public Safety is investigating a head-on fatal crash that occurred last week on F.M. 732 south of F.M. 1577 that left one man dead.

Preliminary investigation revealed a Blue Dodge Ram 3500. A male driver was traveling northbound on F.M. 732 approaching F.M. 1577.

A Black Mitsubishi Lancer passenger car was occupied by a male driver that was traveling southbound on F.M. 732.

Both vehicles collided head-on.

Joe Pena, 25, of Edcouch driver of the Mitsubishi was pronounced dead at the scene.

The driver of the Dodge pickup was transported to Harlingen Valley Baptist Medical Hospital.

Troopers continue to investigate this fatal crash.