Company offers repair services to Laguna PD at no cost

LAGUNA VISTA — The city police department has been working to make their presence known in the community.

It’s working.

High Standards Repairs and Remodeling have offered their services to the department free of charge to thank them for what they do.

In a message sent to police chief Anthony David, a spokesperson for the company said they saw how involved the officers were in the community and appreciated it.

High Standards Repairs and Remodling owner, Bella Hernandez offered her company’s services to the police department after seeing how much they have done for the community.

The Laguna Vista resident said she has children and

being able to feel the presence of the officers around town makes her feel safe.

“It’s great to have a police department and feel that presence,” Hernandez said.

Hernandez said she sees how involved the department is with the community and decided to give back.

“I don’t think we’re the only ones in the town that feel this way,” Hernandez said. “It feels like a family and we feel blessed.”

Police chief Anthony David said his department makes a strong effort to get out into the community and be known at every community event.

David said community policing is important to the department.

During the Halloween weekend, Laguna Vista officers took part in a local church’s Trunk or Treat event and were present during the Boo Bash at the Bay where an officer dressed up as Kylo Ren from Star Wars and gave children safety tips for the holiday.

David said community policing is important to his department when it comes to building a bridge between his officers and the citizens.

“They are basically our eyes and ears,” David said.

David has been out sick and said he has yet to speak to anyone at High Standards about their offer.

“We’re very appreciative of their offer,” David said “It is very generous.”

David said he would be reaching out to the company soon to see how to best proceed.