Santa Rosa’s Guerra set for state

SANTA ROSA — For Santa Rosa’s Desiree Guerra, life itself is a full-time job.

When the sophomore is not juggling her academic schedule, she’s busy participating in one of the various sports she participates in. From volleyball to basketball and from softball to golf, Guerra is out of her house by 5:15 a.m. every day and back at home by 7 p.m. ready to do it again the next day.

However, for now, cross country has got her full attention as she is set to compete at the state championships in Round Rock today.

“She is very self-motivated and self-driven,” said Santa Rosa cross country coach Anna Gaytan. “She’s an exceptional individual because she is not just a great athlete, but is also a great student. For example, I’ll tell them (the team) what their workout is going to be and at the end of the workout she’ll tell me can I do one more. That is a testament to her character.”

The Valley Morning Star had a chance to catch up with the busy sophomore to get to know her a little better.

Q: Your coach said you’re involved in almost every sport and other extracurricular activities. How do you manage your schedule?

DESIREE: I manage my schedule by waking up earlier than most and by first doing my running in the mornings. School during the day, then I make as many of my practices as I can after school.

Q: Describe a typical day in your life?

DESIREE: Wake up at 5:15 a.m., run four miles then attends school until 4 p.m. Then track practice, then head to volleyball and finally make cheer practice. Then I go home and do homework. Repeat Sunday through Thursday.

Q: Your coach admires your determination and work ethic, and when you’re done with workouts somehow you always ask what’s next. What’s your motivation to keep pushing yourself?

DESIREE: I don’t like to lose. I’m very competitive in all sports and academics. Currently, I’m trying to stay in the top 10 percent of my class as well.

Q: What are some of your future goals, both small and big?

DESIREE: Small goals: Play varsity for 4 years and play a team role in volleyball, basketball, softball, golf. But my big goal is to win state in cross country one year.

Q: Take us back to regionals and when you found out you were headed to the state XC meet? How did you react and what went through your mind?

DESIREE: I cried because I got 12th and I wanted to be 10th or higher. Then, I was ecstatic when I found out I was going to state. I was also relieved that my all my hard work had finally paid off.

Q: How do you feel about getting the opportunity to compete at the state level?

DESIREE: I’m excited to compete at the highest level and want to do my best to get my experience for the next two years.

Q: What’s something people may not know about you?

DESIREE: One thing many people don’t know about me is that I played soccer for a year when I was younger and I’m also in concert band, but can’t march since there is no time in my schedule.

Q: If you could go back in time and have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and why?

DESIREE: I would go back and have dinner with Steve Prefontaine because he was a famous runner and I would like to ask him how he got so fast and how he broke four minutes in the mile. He’s inspirational.