Letter: Time for something positive

To the Editor:

With the recent rash of rather negative letters, and a desire to share some gratitude, I decided that, even though the event happened a while ago, it still deserves my “Thank you” and public acknowledgement of others’ actions.

It was a hot summer day, late morning, I was headed to take my dogs for a run in fields where we were allowed to exercise.

When I took the ramp on to the freeway, I noticed the temperature gauge had gone into the red zone – my car was over-heating without previous warning.

I was able to get into the Harlingen Mall parking lot, shut off the engine after opening windows for the dogs. The radiator was apparently empty of fluid – no obvious leak noted.

A young lady had just parked and was headed into work at Olive Garden. I explained what was going on and asked if she could fill up some plastic bottles I had in the car with some water.

I explained that I did not want to leave my dogs alone and would not walk them on the hot pavement. She readily agreed and went into the restaurant.

A few moments later, several police cars passed by on the way to a meeting (as I discovered later), two of Harlingen’s Police force came around and asked me if I needed help.

I let them know what was going on and they came to the car.

A few moments later, the young woman, Jessica, returned to my car with a gallon of water for the car and a small bowl filled with water for the dogs.

How thoughtful! The officers filled the radiator and kept an eye on things when I started the engine.

After letting them know I was only 3 to 4 miles from home and thought I could get there without any further trouble, they proceeded to their meeting.

Despite the frustration of my car malfunctioning and leaving me in a difficult spot due to the heat and my pack in the car, I left feeling positive, thankful and good.

A young woman helped a stranger in need and went the extra mile, the police officers extended their assistance with kindness and concern.

There is good in the world, people who care. My gratitude to you all.

Janice Workman
