Letter: Brotherly response

To the Editor:

I am writing in response to a Letter to the Editor published in the Valley Morning Star last Thursday concerning the ongoing “NFL National Anthem Controversy.”

The letter was written by my brother, Doss Kornegay, and he takes issue with Donald Trump’s reaction to the National Anthem “Protests” that are currently in fashion in the NFL.

I can understand perfectly why Doss, or Buddy as I have always known him, would take umbrage with Trump on this issue.

As a twice wounded infantry officer who spent over a year of some of the most intense combat in the northern “I Corps” area of South Vietnam, he gets annoyed at the idea of being lectured

on patriotism by the current Draft Dodger in Chief.

In my opinion Donald Trump is not the issue here. I do not view the National Anthem or our conduct during it as a salute or an insult to our veterans.

It, like the now vanished prayer that used to precede sporting events is a moment for us to celebrate our common ground and our heritage as Americans.

Our nation’s 250 year history has its flaws to be sure, but it is the only country in history that works constantly to overcome our mistakes and continue to export the rule of law and individual liberty to the rest of the world.

Racism and inequality exist in America; how could they not in such a racially and culturally diverse nation; but the vast majority of us make constant and conscious efforts to mitigate the negative effects of those injustices.

What I object to is the politization of everything from hurricanes to football games.

The fact that a bunch of overpaid prima donnas

who can’t keep a grip on whether the drugs they are taking are performance enhancing or performance debilitating, who deflate footballs and abuse their spouses think that we all need to be reminded by them that our country is not perfect is hypocritical to say the least.

The old master marketer, Jerry Jones thinks he has figured out how to have his cake and eat it too. He and his Cowboys “took a knee” on the taxpayer subsidized turf of ATT Stadium, and then stood for the anthem … Let’s kiss everybody’s a@$8 at the same time! Way to go Jerry!

Ole Buddy and I don’t agree on everything, but we might enjoy having our Sunday afternoons back.

Instead of subjecting ourselves to the noise, political statements and penalty flags, punctuated incessantly by commercials for beer, cars, and erectile dysfunction drugs, maybe we will spend some quality family time; go fishing or something.

Pat Kornegay

San Benito