Broken people

No doubt I am just one of many who are both aware of, and alarmed by, the rapid decline in our great culture.

The American culture is, make no mistake, under attack by a well organized and well funded force.

“What force,” you may ask.

That, admittedly, is hard to answer because it is an invisible force. It is like the wind.

One can’t see it, but can clearly see the effects of it.

It is the invisible force behind those mindless, ninja clad storm troopers who disrupted free speech, breaking windows and burning police vehicles in California.

This would never have been tolerated just a generation ago.

Yet, today nothing is done about it.

It is the invisible force that drives the white supremacists, as well as those who destroy the statues of those who paid with their blood to settle an issue over 150 years ago.

To raise that issue again is not by accident. It is carefully designed to divide and weaken us further. Yet, today nothing is done about it.

It is the invisible force that is tearing our democratic process apart by its unrelenting hysteria over the people’s choice, Donald Trump, for their leader.

Even public calls for his assassination, and exploding the White House, go by as free speech, but are, in fact, sedition. Yet, today nothing is done about it.

Sovereign, secure borders are essential for any nation to function, yet the force is driven to apoplexy as the president acts to make the border more secure.


Some cities refuse to follow the law by providing safe sanctuary to people who are in our sovereign country illegally.


Are there those who do not want us safe and secure? That’s a no-brainer.

Many other examples are out there, we see them all around us, but the point is this: If we forget the cultural binds that hold us together, or if we become complacent, or weakened, to the point of losing our will, then that invisible force, driven by hatred and dedicated to our dissolution, has won.

It has won because we lacked the resolve to defeat it.

This is a very old concept. “And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.” (Mark 3:6) And again, “… Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation…and a house divided … falleth.” (Luke 11:17) Quoting from my Sunday School workbook, “Sadly, our broken world often responds to tragedy with more brokenness. But let’s not simply point to the broken world “out there.” It is a broken world because we are a broken people.”

This must not stand.

Erol A. Stone Harlingen