Legitimate walls protect, they do not frighten

It was after school. Billy and his friends Jose and Noe walked home each day. They would play ball and other games. They worked together and attend church services together. They were happy boys.

Billy and Jose were 14 years old, Noe was 1. The boys were near Billy’s house when they met Leah, who was on his way home.

Billy spoke, “Why are you in such as hurry?”

“I am a little nervous.”

“Why?” asked Jose.

“Mr. Nick threatened me. He had a club in his hand.”

“Why did he threaten you?” asked Billy.

“Because I broke a window in his house.”

“How did you break the window?” inquired Noe.

“I threw a rock at a bird. I missed the bird and hit the window.”

“Did you tell him it was an accident?” asked Billy.

“No, I was too scared.”

“Did he say anything?”

“He said stay away from the three boys that are here a big part of the time. They will get you in trouble.”

“Well, Leah, don’t worry about it, I will talk to him,” said Billy.

Billy, Jose and Noe went into Billy’s house. Leah went home.

The three boys ate some cookies and drank soft drinks. There was a knock at the front door. Billy went to the door, Mr. Nick was there.

“Come in Nr. Nick.”

“No. And I am going to tell you just one time that you and your friends had better straighten up or I will see to it that the whole bunch will end up in the juvenile detention center.”

Mrs. Kole, Billy’s mother, heard the disturbance in the front room. She spoke quickly.

“What is the problem?”

“The problems are your kids and the other kids that come with them.”

“What other kids are you speaking of?”

“I am speaking of the Messkin kids. I think they broke my window and are staying in your house because they know that you will protect them.”

Mrs. Kole answered, “Jose and Noe are good boys. Also, they have been in school all day. They could not have been here.”

“Mrs. Kole, you cannot be dealt with. I will deal with your husband when he comes home.”

About an hour later, there was a pounding sound coming from the front door area. Jose walked to the front to check it out. What he saw seemed unbelievable.

Mr. Nick had sealed the front door with plywood that was think and very strong. He also sealed the big front window and the back door. There was no way that those inside the house could get out.

A deadly problem arose. There was the scent of gas. The gas was used to heat the kitchen range and the house heater. People could not breathe it and survive.

And a simple spark or an ignited match would cause the house to be blown off its foundation.

Mrs. Kole spoke with a quiver in her voice.

“Boys, let us all go to the front room sofa. I will sit in the center of the sofa, Billy will sit on my right and Jose will sit on my left. Noe will sit on my lap.”

“Now, let us bow our heads and pray. Dear God, we realize that you are Almighty and we have the wonderful blessing of coming to you in prayer. We pray that we shall have you with us. Please comfort us as only you with your great love are able to. Help us to serve you in our last breath. We pray in Christ’s dear name, amen.”

Mr. Nick: His thinking is very erroneous. He would be in favor of building a wall that is 30-feet high and 6-feet deep in the ground. The length would be from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean.

Thousands of years ago, nine or 10 different tribes ruled Mexico. It is believed that European people began calling the tribes Indians. All of these tribes sacrificed human beings in their Gods.

The people from Spain and other nations of Europe believed the land belonged to them.

This belief caused wars between the tribes and the people of Europe for many years.

This unstableness has caused many problems in Mexico. Mexico needs our help. Mexico does not need our condemnation. Mr. Trump seems to dislike the Mexican people.

Thus, Mr. Trump, I have a question. What are your intentions concerning the nation of Mexico?

Oluf Pyle Harlingen