Department of Public Safety continues investigation of accident

LAGUNA HEIGHTS — The Department of Public Safety continues to investigate a recent auto-pedestrian accident involving a woman and her child crossing Highway 100.

Cameron County Constable Pete Delgadillo, Precinct 1, confirmed DPS and TxDOT were back on the scene of the accident Wednesday to recreate the accident for investigation purposes.

TxDOT assisted by providing traffic control while DPS worked on continuing its investigation.

The investigation to recreate the accident lasted about three hours.

On July 31 around 9:30 p.m. a woman crossed Highway 100 with her child in a stroller and was struck by a Cameron County deputy constable driving westbound.

The woman was taken to the hospital and later transported to San Antonio. It has been reported the woman is recovering from her injuries.

Delgadillo has not released the name of the deputy constable involved in the accident because the DPS investigation is ongoing.

What happens next

Delgadillo said TxDOT will be completing a survey to identify where a pedestrian crosswalk could be added.

“That is good because Highway 100 is very dangerous,” Delgadillo said.

Over the years, Highway 100 has seen its share of auto-pedestrian accidents. Some ended in fatalities.

In 2015, a Laguna Heights man died after he was struck by a car as he tried to cross the road.

In 2016, another Laguna Heights man crossing the road using a wheelchair at 11 p.m. died after being struck by a car.

“One of the things that was requested was a pedestrian study,” said Octovio Saenz, TxDOT public information officer. “A pedestrian study looks at the concentrations of where pedestrians have a need to cross.”

Where to place crosswalks

Saenz said a pedestrian study had been performed in the past. It found the best place for a crosswalk is near the high school on Highway 100.

“It is one of the most congested areas,” Saenz said. “We will proceed and do that but there has to be a concentration of individuals who cross in a certain spot.”

He used the example of a bank on any particular corner and because a lot of people cross there to reach the bank TxDOT would develop a crosswalk there.

“But if it is sporadic where people are crossing all over the place, it is kind of more difficult to hone down where the specific need for a crosswalk should be located,” Saenz said.

Saenz urges people who are going to cross at a place where there is no crosswalk to be careful because it’s dangerous.

“Pedestrians must do everything they can to be seen, especially at night,” Saenz said. “And drivers have a responsibility to be attentive to pedestrians when driving.”

Recent auto/pedestrian

accidents and fatalities on

Hwy 100 in Laguna Heights

Calixto Orostico Geron, 58, of Laguna Heights killed in pedestrian collision on State Highway 100 in 2015

Thurman Fay Cone, 65, of Laguna Heights killed in pedestrian collision on State Highway 100 in 2016

Woman crossing State Highway 100 involved in auto pedestrian accident suffers injuries on July 31, 2017

DPS continues to investigate HWY 100 auto-pedestrian accident