Woman crossing Hwy 100 hit by car

LAGUNA HEIGHTS — A Laguna Heights woman pushing a baby stroller across Highway 100 was struck by a deputy constable patrolling the area.

The woman was struck in the hip and hospitalized, and the child was unharmed, Precinct 1 Cameron County Constable Pete Delgadillo said.

The accident happened Sunday about 9:22 p.m. at Highway 100 and Madison Street.

The deputy was traveling westbound on Highway 100 as traffic was leaving the Island.

The woman may have been walking to the store.

The Department of Public Safety is currently investigating the accident.

No information about the woman or the name of the deputy was available while the DPS investigation is on going.

Delgadillo said the woman was crossing the roadway on a busy night as South Padre Island visitors were leaving the Island.

“He could not see her because it was a dark area and she was wearing dark clothing,” Delgadillo said.

Delgadillo said the deputy rendered aid and the woman was taken to the nearest hospital and later transported to San Antonio.

“She is doing OK,” Delgadillo said. “The deputy has taken some time off while DPS investigates the incident.”

The deputy was sent to take a drug test, Delgadillo said.

Delgadillo thanked God there was no fatality, and wants to consider placing crosswalks along the highway for residents to cross traffic to and from the Island easier.

Delgadillo said accidents similar to this one are not uncommon in the area.