RGV Vixens Theresa Arteaga ready for IWFA Super Bowl

As the IWFA Division II Super Bowl between the RGV Vixens and the Rockport Her-ricanes nears, the Valley Morning Star takes a look at another crucial component to the Vixens success: The offensive line.

Nose guard Theresa Arteaga knows all about the O-Line and considers the physical nature of the game to be the best part of it.

The Star sat down with Arteaga as she counts the days to the Super Bowl.

Q: When did you start playing football and what made you join?

A: I started playing in May of 2016 with the RGV Vixens after my friend Liz “Sunshine” asked me to check out the team. By the end of it, I loved it! I love the adrenaline you get from playing.

Q: What has been the most exciting moment of the season for you?

A: The most exciting moment was winning our second playoff game. That emotion is surreal.

Q: In your opinion, what has made the Vixens so successful this season?

A: This has been a great season thanks to teamwork, dedication, lots of heart, and a great coaching staff and management.

Q: Do you have any pregame rituals that you must do before a game?

A: My pre-game ritual includes loud pump-up type music and dancing.

Q: Would you rather be able to fly or be able to read minds?

A: I would rather read minds because it would be great to know a person’s honest thoughts.

Q: Would you rather watch “Harry Potter,” “Game of Thrones” or “The Walking Dead?”

A: I would rather watch Harry Potter because I’ve never seen the other two.

Q: What’s the most ridiculous thing you have bought and regret doing so?

A: The most ridiculous thing I’ve purchased is a talking panda money bank. I regret it because it broke after about three months.

Q: If you were a ghost and could possess people, what would you make them do?

A: If I was a ghost I would make people dance and break out in song just to mix up their day.