Should we pay for other children’s meals?

I take issue with the article titled;” School districts rethink meal debt policies that shame kids,” July 5th,‘17 Valley Morning Star. Do I believe every child should eat three meals a day, of course I do.

Do I believe every child should be wearing designer clothing, yes I do. I also believe that those responsibilities fall on the shoulder of the parents.

The Texas Constitution says that every child is entitled to an education; there is nothing on that document that says that school districts are responsible for feeding every child that attends classes.

Why can’t the mother wake up early, feed the child breakfast and prepare him a lunch for school.

My parents did it; I took lunch until I was in the 8th grade.

This is what’s wrong with America, we have become a society of give me food, give me medical attention, clothe me, I’m sick, poor me, they’ve behave this way, because the parents are too lazy to find work.

In the State of New Mexico, groups are blaming the school districts for not having policies addressing this issue.

As if school districts weren’t fleecing hard working taxpayers enough, now we have to feed Maria’s 8 kids.

And where are all the bleeding hearts that demand these services? Why don’t they adopt Maria’s or Jane’s children?

Lastly, my take on this matter is, if you’re one of these people who expect someone else to feed you children, “shame on you.”

Frank Garcia Harlingen