Happy Fathers Day

Every year, fellow Catholics cherish and honor the Virgin Mary on Mothers Day, but who remembers Joseph, Jesus’s earthly father, on Fathers Day.

It was Joseph who had the sole responsibility for providing food and shelter for the Holy Family.

For the first 12 years of Jesus life, Joseph would be the most influential figure in Jesus’s childhood.

When they walked together, every day, looking for carpentry work, they would probably discuss religion, history, and politics.

And every night,after the Holy Family would say their prayers for the evening meal, Joseph would make sure Jesus was covered with a blanket before he slept.

The pride and joy that Joseph must have had knowing that this young boy he was raising would grow up to be the savior of mankind.

When Jesus ascended up to heaven he was first greeted by his heavenly father, and all the angels in heaven.

And when Jesus saw Joseph in heaven, I am sure he hugged Joseph and thanked him for being the best earthly father a son could ever have.

I know Jesus must have done that, because that is what I am going to do when I see my father in heaven.

Happy Fathers Day, Dad and Happy Fathers Day, Joseph.

Jack Ayoub Harlingen