Health care as a ’right’

People who have no insurance or money and say that health care is a right are really advocating a form of slavery. They realize that health professionals have to be paid in order for them to work, so they only way to pay them to care for you when you are sick is to make part-time slaves of millions of taxpayers.

A slave is someone who works for a master. The slave gets nothing for his work, his master gets it.

If a taxpayer has to work, let’s say until he earns $20, but he does not get to keep it, he has to send it to his masters, the ones who say health care is a right even if they do not pay. Then, they are making the taxpayer a temporary slave.

This is nothing like insurance. In insurance, the company knows from past experience about what they are going to pay for all the people who get sick that they will have to pay for.

They have to insure enough healthy people whose premiums will pay for those who get sick and for the company to still make a profit.

The more healthy people signed up, the cheaper the insurance is for everyone.

The problem today is too many young people do not want to purchase insurance they think they do not need.

My solution for this would be like when you drive a car, you must have liability insurance. If you have to purchase liability health insurance because some day you might have large health bills and would not be able to pay. With no liability insurance, your expenses would fall on the taxpayer.

I would make the premium for the liability insurance be at least twice what a regular health insurance plan would cost.

Most likely, everyone would decide to buy a health insurance plan and insurance costs would go down.

Also, allow insurance companies to sell nationwide.

What about the indigent people?

We as a country do not want anyone to die from lack of medical care, so the taxpayers would be obligated to buy an insurance plan for the indigent.

Those who could afford to pay part of their insurance would get a government subsidy so they would be insured. Also, allow importation of drugs from Canada, England, Germany and France.

All of the above should make health care much more affordable.

William T. Moseley DVM San Benito