New Red Cross chief strides into hurricane season

HARLINGEN — So the first challenge in your new job is to prepare the entire Rio Grande Valley for hurricane season, which looms just a couple weeks away.

No pressure there.

Danella Hughes, executive director of the American Red Cross South Texas Chapter, admits she’s in a very steep learning curve.

But for the Red Cross, like so many of the emergency responders in hurricane territory, training and preparing are a 12-month operation.

“Our disaster teams, they train all year for disasters but specifically for hurricanes, and we do a lot of preparedness,” said Hughes, who has been on the job for a month after six years working at Magic Valley Electric Cooperative.

“We’re building emergency kits, creating evacuation plans, watching the weather and trying to promote our new app so people can engage with the tracker so if anything goes out it goes national, regional and then to chapters.”

The new American Red Cross apps — some are disaster-specific — are available at Apple or Android app stores.

The emergency alerts and notifications app keys on a number of events, including hurricanes and flooding. There also is a specific hurricane app. All are available for free.

When it isn’t hurricane season, which runs from June through November, Hughes said Red Cross workers and volunteers are busy on the prevention and preparedness fronts.

“Usually the training that we have is for flooding, damage, loss of an entire house or homestead, and what they train on is helping with counseling, which is another one of our specialties,” Hughes said.

“We document all of that information and from there we help the family transition to getting their lives back together if and when if something were to happen during a hurricane or flooding,” she added.

The Red Cross also organizes and operates shelters for those who are displaced during a disaster, natural or man-made.

“Sheltering, feeding, and canteening for the first-responders — all that comes into play when it comes to preparedness,” Hughes said.

Become a Red Cross volunteer (18 or older)

Group Volunteering

Many volunteer group activities that are either one time, short term, or long term periods are available at the chapter. Groups may choose to help at the office, our fundraisers or at special events. Contact the local office at 956-423-0523 to see how your group can help.

Disaster Action Team (DAT)

On call after-hours, weekends and holidays. Trained volunteers are placed at the scene of a local disaster to provide immediate emergency services to individuals and families.

Shelter Operations

Provide shelter services to clients who have been affected by a disaster and have no place to stay. There are different roles volunteers can play during a shelter operation depending on their interest.

Canteen Operations

Volunteers drive up and down affected neighborhoods distributing essential items after a disaster in Emergency Response Vehicles (ERVs). These items could be: meals, beverages, disaster kits, tarps, comfort kits and cleanup kits.

Client Caseworkers

Volunteers identify and meet immediate disaster-caused needs by providing emergency assistance. They provide planning and assistance that addresses clients’ long-term needs during a major disaster.

Disaster Health Services

Volunteers deliver Red Cross Health Services at the chapter or on a disaster relief operation. They support Staff Health Services in providing health care for staff assigned anywhere on a disaster relief operation.

Disaster Mental Health

Volunteers deliver mental health services at the chapter or on a disaster relief operation. They identify and meet the disaster-related mental health needs.

Club Red

Volunteer Club Red members assist the Red Cross Chapter in fundraising, community outreach, marketing, disasters and health and safety presentations. Volunteers are seen out in the community but still do regular volunteer activities. The group meets once a month to discuss current Club Red events and activities.