Who’s representing legal citizens?

I have again had the misfortune of reading a “bleeding heart” letter from our local Democratic “Snowflakes” Representatives. Filemon Vela, Eddie Lucio Jr, and Rene Oliveira.

They all support the interests of the illegal aliens in this country.

They support any and all efforts to make sure the illegals remain in the United States.

But in reality it’s all B. S. politics.

If they really believed in welcoming the illegals, they would post their home address on flyers at all prominent crossings.

They would “offer” free bed and breakfast at their homes, refuge on their property.

But “alas” that is not possible, you see most politicos have “fences” and “locked doors” to keep out unwanted strangers.

Some, I may even dare say have an alarm system, with video surveillance.

So, too bad Pancho, as a Politico, I only talk the talk, but not walk the walk.

I hope they continue in their posts for many more years, we really need “patriots” like them to represent the legal citizens like us.

F. Martinez San Benito