Many problems with Rio Hondo schools

Election time is here again and it is time for the voters in Rio Hondo to let the school board know that they did not do right by the people that elected them.

First, they allowed the administration to run a scam bond issue election that added $20 million to the already high tax burden to build a new middle school that we don’t need.

It was said that there are rats in the buildings. They need to look in for those in the administration building, as well.

Student enrollment is down in significant numbers. Largely, this is due to the administration’s failure to properly educate Rio Hondo students.

TEA fairly graded RHISD by the same template used for all public schools in Texas. The grades: C, C, C, F! Fail, Fail Fail! The F was for student achievement.

With open enrollment, why would parents leave their children in such a school?

Most recently, the one bright spot in the senior administration team was taken before the board to get her fired.

Finally, they got something partially right, the board voted to keep her. They didn’t do a complete job. The other two should have been put out the door.

When voting, take into consideration the poor job these people have done.

Don’t vote for any of the incumbents, even those who are running unopposed.

Let them know that you are displeased with their terrible judgment.

Sincerely, Dennis Bates Taxpayer and voter Rio Hondo