La Feria situation disappointing

How very sad for the citizens of La Feria, that for some, it is more important to gain attention than it is to seek the truth and acquire facts and evidence before attempting to destroy someone’s good reputation in the media.

How very unfortunate it is that people who have worked very hard to make this wonderful community a choice place to live are now subjected to a trial by public opinion, gossip and hearsay.

How unusual it is for the city to have been audited every year by a very reputable certified public accounting firm and found to have all records in good order, and yet now there is a question about certain funds.

How sad that several former valued and qualified city employees have either resigned, retired or been fired.

How strange that not all the candidates for the City Commission are willing to participate in a public forum to acquaint the voters with information about themselves and what each one envisions for this community.

We have lived here in La Feria for many, many years and appreciate how much hard work has gone into building this wonderful city.

We cannot understand why some would want to destroy what has taken so long to build.

We would encourage our neighbors and citizens of La Feria to speak with all the candidates for City Commissioners and find out directly from each one what skills, and experiences each has to offer this city.

Many of us believe that we are expected to treat each other as we would want to be treated, to be fair, to be honest and to give each other the benefit of the doubt until all the facts are known.

How tragic that our city is being featured in such a negative way on the front page of the Valley Morning Star.

Respectfully, Helen Muse La Feria