Troubled by La Feria commission

Fellow residents of La Feria: I have lived in La Feria all my life, except for the years I served in the Marine Corps. I had the privilege to serve on the city commission for 21 years.

Over the last 30 years that Sunny Philip was city manager, La Feria grew from a dormant community to a very vibrant, full of life city, with improved services and many amenities.

Sunny, with his 24/7 work ethic and impeccable reputation, respected statewide by many state agencies, gave us a city with an improved quality of life for all citizens.

I am troubled that the current city commission picked Holy Week to destroy and crucify this decent family man, on the front pages of the newspaper with nonfactual accusations even including a religious nonprofit.

Yes, “all hell broke loose once Sunny was fired” and I ask my fellow citizens, why now?

All cities go through annual independent audits and most of the current sitting commissioners have served for more than three years.

These commissioners approved budgets and expenditures.

But, now they fired our longtime tax collection firm, the city attorney, the city architect, city engineering firm and several city employees.

They are outsourcing the operation of our water and wastewater system and are planning to outsource our trash and branch services.

At this point, these missing funds are only accusations with no facts that are costing us, the citizens, large amounts of money to pay for a high-priced attorney.

Our city is at a standstill. It is time to elect new candidates who will be fiscally responsible and restore the good name of our community. Help me elect Alma Martinez, Place 3; Ignacio Garcia, Place 4; and Jessie Garcia Jr., Place 5.

John Hernandez La Feria