Long no-parking zones proposed on Morgan

HARLINGEN — Long stretches of no-parking zones might stop a business’ employees from parking along Morgan Boulevard.

Today, city commissioners are expected to consider a proposal to designate hundreds of feet of no-parking zones along Morgan and Washington Avenue.

Officials are counting on the no-parking zones to stop employees of the MTC call center from parking along the busy street, in many areas blocking motorists’ view of on-coming traffic.

In the past 12 months, the area has been the scene of six traffic accidents.

“That would improve safety in the area,” City Manager Dan Serna said yesterday.

Violators would face fines of up to $200, a proposed ordinance states.

For more than 15 years, ACT’s parking lot has spilled over at the intersection of Morgan and 77 Sunshine Strip.

So, many of the call center’s 800 employees park their cars along both sides of Morgan.

“Vehicles parking along the curb restrict the ‘line of sight’ along the area of Morgan Boulevard and Washington Avenue,” City Engineer Javier Zamora states in the city’s proposal.

City officials have been working with Redelco Commercial Real Estate Leasing to find a way to clear the sides of the street of parked cars.

Recently, Redelco built the parking lot at Morgan and Chaparral for ACT workers, Serna said.