Superintendent Vega leaving education field, San Benito

SAN BENITO — Superintendent Dr. Adrian Vega is leaving the district.

He submitted his letter of resignation Tuesday night in closed session, informing the board that he is pursuing an employment opportunity outside of public education.

In a phone interview yesterday, Vega said an opportunity presented itself and he is taking it.

“I was shocked that the opportunity presented itself,” Vega said. “It was nothing I sought.”

Before the opportunity came up, Vega said he had not considered resigning.

“Whatever people think, this has absolutely nothing to do with the district or the board,” he said. “I will be eternally grateful to them and extremely thankful they have been nothing but supportive. Look at what we have been able to do as a team.”

The leader’s new opportunity, which he declined to specify, will take him out of the area.

“This is the place I want to be,” he said about the new position. “The opportunity that has been given is a complete career move for me. This literally came to me. I did not seek it out. Sometimes in life, things surface and I talked with my wife and we prayed about it.”

His resignation from San Benito becomes effective June 9.

It was important to Vega that he is here for graduation and to ensure a smooth transition.

“I told the board as soon as I found out so I could help through that transition,” Vega said. “I want to make sure I am here to help and ensure the continuity of the direction of the district.”

The school board is expected to hold a special meeting where they will formally accept his resignation.

Vega, who began working as the district’s leader since Jan. 4, 2016, expressed his thanks to the board and the community.

“A school district is measured by the commitment of the board, staff, and community to its children and their achievement,” Vega said. “This district is indeed committed. I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the staff and the community for their support of the district’s programs and services during my term as superintendent.”

Board President Anna Cruz said she and her fellow board members extend their appreciation to Vega for his efforts in leading the district.

“We have enjoyed a good working relationship with Dr. Vega,” Cruz said. “We extend our appreciation and our sincere thanks for agreeing to take on the position as the district’s leader.”

Most notable are the initiatives Vega and the board were able to accomplish together.

Vega worked closely with the board to adopt the district’s five-year strategic plan and in coordinating efforts to conduct a curriculum and efficiency audit.

He also introduced adult learning opportunities for staff via Instructional Leadership Academies, Leadership Prep Academies, and introduced Book Study Clubs for district leaders.

The district is also making progress on recommendations outlined in the Texas Association of Schools Boards salary study.

The study will assist leaders in making final recommendations for a new compensation plan for district staff.

Vega has also worked closely with trustees and district leaders in order to secure the purchases of district vehicles, make upgrades in district facilities, and take measures to grow the district’s fund balance.

The district is currently making plans to introduce a summer reading initiative to help students stay ahead of the learning curve during the summer months.

“We appreciate the fact that while working with Dr. Vega, we were able to reach many goals together,” Cruz said. “We wish him nothing but the very best in his future career and professional endeavors.”

Board Secretary Michael Vargas had only positive things to say about Vega’s short time here.

“Dr. Vega has been instrumental in executing the rigorous vision of San Benito CISD,” Vargas said. “I thank him and his family for their investment in our community, and I wish them well in their next chapter.”

Vargas also talked about what’s next for the San Benito CISD.

“Any transition for a school district is important, and in this case, it is crucial to keep in mind that building on the strong foundation set forth by Dr. Vega and his strong leadership is key,” Vargas said. “As such, the selection process for his successor must be thorough and transparent.”

There’s plenty of work that still remains in the district’s future, but Vega feels confident the district will continue on an upward, progressive trend.

Vega said whoever is picked to replace him will be taking on a leadership role that has conducted audits, has a clear plan that represents the community priorities and has a fund balance that is the strongest it’s been in a while.

Vega assures everything is pointing in the right direction for the district.

“My hope would be that the direction set forth by the board continues,” Vega said. “I think everything that was intended has been accomplished.”

He is proud of his time here in San Benito.

“I feel extremely blessed to have been given this opportunity to work here in San Benito as the district’s leader,” Vega said. “There are many great things in this district that are still yet to come. This is a wonderful district and my family and I are grateful to have been a part of it.”