Laguna Vista Notes

Orange Lane – Street Improvements

LAGUNA VISTA — The town has initiated the process to go out for sealed bids for street improvements to Orange Lane. The improvements will be from Hibiscus to FM 510. Once the sealed bids are received, the Town Council will award the contract and improvements to this street will commence.

Grant Application

LAGUNA VISTA — The Town Council recently approved a resolution authorizing the submission of a $275,000 grant application to the Texas Department of Agriculture to reconstruct the following streets:

• Banker Street (to Hallam Street)

• David Cuervo Street (to Beach Blvd.)

• Fernandez Street (from Mesquite Drive to Beach Blvd.)

• Hallam Street (from FM 510 to Mesquite Drive)

“We remain optimistic that we will secure this grant funding to make these street improvements. As done in previous years to ‘make’ money for the town, if funded, the staff will be administering this grant in-house,” said City Manager Rolando Vela.

Street and Water Line Improvements on Beach Blvd.

LAGUNA VISTA — At the Feb. 14 regular meeting, the Town Council authorized staff to initiate the process to make street improvements to Beach Boulevard.

The estimated cost of this project is $294,000.

The town will be waiting until the Laguna Madre Water District completes the waterline improvements to this street before commencing with these street improvements.

The estimated completion of this project is on or before the end of September.

LMWD is preparing to invest more than $700,000 for the new main water lines on Beach Boulevard. The existing 4-inch asbestos concrete lines, which are presently outside the right of way, will be replaced with an 8-inch PVC water line.

In the process, they will be abandoning these existing waterlines, which are 40 feet into the private properties.

The new waterline will either be installed in the existing easement, which is closer to the street, or in the middle of the street.

This waterline upgrade will significantly enhance the water pressure and the water quality for the customers on this street. This upgrade, in the process, will damage the street with the equipment and machinery they will be using. This is the reason why the town will wait until the waterline improvements are completed before initiating the process to reconstruct Beach Boulevard.