More bones found in canal near Rio Hondo

RIO HONDO — Police investigating the discovery of human remains in a canal east of this city this morning requested another body bag after investigators apparently uncovered more bones.

It is unclear whether there is one set of human remains in the canal, or if remains of multiple victims have been discovered.

More than a dozen Cameron County Sheriff’s Office deputies and Texas Rangers were assigned the gruesome work of digging and raking the muddy bottom of the canal this morning.

What is presumably a crime scene is located along Center Line Road, about two miles north of FM 106. The site where the remains were found is beyond the paved section of the road, about 300 to 400 yards along a gravel road which runs along the canal.

The narrow canal is 12 to 14 feet deep, with three to four feet of dark stagnant water at the bottom.

Workmen were dredging the canal Thursday when their equipment uncovered a human skull.

The Brownsville Fire Department dive team was brought in to search the canal initially, but law enforcement officers on the scene Friday morning said they expect investigators will drain the canal sometime today.

The Cameron County Sheriff’s Office will deliver more details at a press conference later today.