TSC begins search for new president

BROWNSVILLE — Texas Southmost College has begun its search for a new president and is accepting applications for the position.

The TSC Board of Trustees last month voted to hire Community College CEO Byron McClenney as the presidential search consultant.

A new president is being sought following the TSC board’s 5-2 vote in September to terminate TSC President Lily Tercero. Mike Shannon has been serving as interim president since Tercero’s termination.

“The Board of Trustees is looking for a president that is able to take Texas Southmost College to the next level and by that I mean to continue to grow enrollment, be a person that is involved with the community and somebody that is focused on student success,” Trey Mendez, vice chairman of the TSC Board of Trustees said.

“I’m happy to say that we are conducting a transparent search. We expect a lot of good candidates and I’m excited to get it started because I think that when it’s over we’re going to have a really dynamic leader that is going to be great for the college.

“Mr. Shannon has done a fantastic job in the interim getting us to this position, and I really want to thank him for all the work he’s done,” Mendez said.

According to the job summary on TSC’s website, “the president serves as the dynamic leader, consensus builder and strategic thinker of the college and maintains a strong commitment to academic excellence and student success. The president is the chief executive officer of the college and operates within the policies established by the board of trustees.”

Applicants must complete the TSC online application at https://tsc.peopleadmin.com/postings/1830 and attach a resume, a cover letter and a two page letter to respond to the “Desirable Characteristics” displayed on the community college’s website. The applicant must also have at least five references.

Applicants must have a doctoral degree. Some of the responsibilities of being the TSC president include:

H Reviewing, renewing and refining the strategic plan leading to a collective vision.

H Designing and/or redesigning the organizational structure, policies and staffing to align with the strategic vision

H Integrating multiple initiatives to create a needed holistic agenda for student success.

Screening of applications will begin on May 1 and will continue until the position is filled.