Employee Spotlight: Mary Aguilar

BY Amanda Sotelo

Thirteen has proven to be a lucky number for Mary Aguilar. That’s how many years she has served at Texas State Technical College and in the same year has been chosen as the TSTC Employee Spotlight for March.

The San Benito native is a teaching lab assistant for the Business, Social and Behavioral Sciences department. She said she has had the privilege to work for multiple divisions as a secretary for Education and Training, the Center of Excellence in Teaching and Training and, what was then, the President’s Office.

Holding back happy tears Aguilar said she is thankful to those who nominated her and have believed in her along the way.

“This recognition is an honor. You think no one notices, but they do,” said Aguilar. “I help just to help. I never expect anything in return.”

The Employee Spotlight was created by TSTC’s Staff Senate to recognize employees, who are nominated by their colleagues, for making a difference in their department and around campus.

It is Aguilar’s selfless attitude that many say they admire. Those who nominated her remain anonymous, but their comments are printed on Aguilar’s award.

“Mary is always willing and ready to provide help to instructors and students,” one comment read.

Another remark states, “She has taken the steps necessary to learn information about Moodle and make the instructors’ jobs easier.”

And a final comment, “Mary is always willing to help with events being held by other departments.”

However, Aguilar is not only an employee of TSTC, but also an alumnae. She graduated in 2012 with an associate degree in Business Management Technology. She is now in the process of earning her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Wayland University at the TSTC University Center.

“Over the years working with differently people I’ve come to learn the importance of an education,” she said. “Education has always been important to me, but life happens and I had to wait.”

The wife, mother of three and grandmother of six said there is no better time than the present to work toward her goal of a bachelor’s degree. Despite the fact that she works full-time and takes online classes she still makes it a point to spend time with her grandchildren.

“I look forward to going to games and recitals,” said Aguilar. “I take as many pictures as I can because children grow up fast.”

In the near future, Aguilar hopes to become an instructor at TSTC for the Business Management Technology program to help students achieve their dreams.

“The best part of my job is working with students,” she said. “Plus, TSTC is like a second family to me and I want to stick around as long as I can.”