Pipeline update

What about the LNG Pipelines?

The LNG export terminals, three proposed to this date, are just the beginning of the LNG story.

All of the terminals will need large supplies of natural gas for liquefication in order to export, and the supply will come from a dedicated pipeline for each of the companies.

So, there are of a total of three pipelines proposed.

Rio Bravo (Rio Grande LNG) and Valley Crossing Pipeline (Texas LNG) routes start at the Aqua Dulce Hub northwest of Kingsville and go to the Port of Brownsville.

The Rio Bravo Pipeline stops there but the Valley Crossing Pipeline continues on under the Brownsville Ship Channel, under South Bay, over Brazos Island, and then under our Gulf waters to the US-Mexico border where it connects with the Sur de Texas-Tuxpan Pipeline.

Annova LNG is proposing a single 42 inch natural gas transmission pipeline called the “Kingsville to Brownsville Pi peline.”

Consider public safety as the Rio Bravo and Valley Crossing Pipelines are planned to parallel Highway 48, which means the public highway itself and all port businesses would be in the impact zone, as would the natural areas of San Martin Lake, South Bay and the Bahia Grande.

All pipelines are subject to explosions and leaks which could devastate individuals’ well being, businesses, and whole communities Added to the inherent danger, there will be the construction noise, environmental damage, and dusty air/water pollution from the cumulative construction of pipelines and export terminals.

All of this for natural gas to be exported for tremendous profits for corporations while leaving the local landscape and population with the spoils of a degraded environment and enduring health problems.

Diane Teter Edinburg