Garden complete: Winter Texans help effort at Mexican children’s home

REYNOSA, Mexico — It was a hard day of work, but they’re done.

Those who call the Casa Hogar Benito Juarez children’s facility home will see the fruits of that labor soon.

A group of about 20 Winter Texans spent a good part of their day Tuesday planting and setting up the irrigation system for a garden at the children’s home.

The effort was part of Harlingen’s Sunshine RV Park’s longtime Missions to Mexico project in which they are helping build a school and clean up the 50-acre property in the industrial area of Reynosa.

Pharr’s Mark Russell leads Missions to Mexico and has been involved in running the home since 1992.

He calls the help he receives from people like Sylvia Fisette, a Winter Texan from Canada, his lifeblood.

Much of what is done at the home wouldn’t be if it weren’t for the volunteers, especially those from Harlingen, organized by Herb Johnson.

But Tuesday was Fisette’s show.

Volunteers came forward, some of them each year, to help with the garden.

Fisette purchases and receives seeds from Valley stores. She spends time working on this when she escapes the winter in Manitoba, Canada.

“We can come here and help them out and they need help,” she said.

Despite some water issues following heavy rains last week in Reynosa, the group was able to plant the garden without much trouble.