Snack Pack Project helps struggling families make ends meet

This time of year, the United Way of Southern Cameron County is in the midst of orchestrating what has become known at the Snack Pack Project, a community effort to provide bags full of nutritious, healthy food to families who could use a little extra help getting through the holidays.

The project started in 2010, when school and community leaders recognized how some families struggle when kids are out for the holidays because they don’t eat breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner at school.

Last year, the Snack Pack Project delivered 324 snack pack bags to families identified by the Brownsville Independent School District as needing the help, thanks partly to a $2,243 donation from AIM Charities of the Rio Grande Valley through its 2015 fund drive.

The 2016 AIM Charities Fund Drive began last week. The annual effort raises funds for 20 charities across the Rio Grande Valley, including the Snack Pack Project. AIM Charities was founded three years ago by AIM Media Texas, which owns The Brownsville Herald, El Nuevo Heraldo, El Extra, The Monitor, Valley Morning Star, Mid-Valley Town Crier and Coastal Current.

“This project is important for United Way because it impacts our community in two ways: It heightens awareness of childhood hunger and provides relief for children in our own community over the holiday break from school. Children fortunately receive two and sometimes three meals a day at school. Breaks from school can be a challenging for families struggling to make ends meet,” said Traci Wickett, United Way of Southern Cameron County president and CEO.

Wickett previously has said it is almost impossible to entirely meet the need for the program.

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To support the United Way of Southern Cameron County and 18 other charitable organizations in the Valley through AIM Charities, you can donate by visiting Since AIM Charities picks up all administrative costs, 100 percent of your donation goes toward the charitable organizations.

What’s in a Snack Pack

Here’s what each snack should contain:

– One jar of peanut butter

– One box of graham crackers

– Package of pudding cups (min. of four)

– Fruit cups

(min. of eight)

– Package of

granola bars

– Package of

cereal bars

– Shelf-stable milk

(one carton)

– Box of cereal

– Canned tuna

(min. of two)

– 100 percent juice boxes (min. 10 juices)

– Pop Tarts

– Cheese and

cracker kits

– Box of whole

wheat crackers

– Individually

packaged nuts

The Snack Pack Project items cost about $30 to purchase. For more information, contact the United Way of Southern Cameron County at 956-548-6880, or online at www.unitedwayrgv.