Boxed Goodness: This holiday season, volunteers donate food for needy

SAN BENITO — There wasn’t enough space to fill the tiny trailer bed.

Boxes of canned goods covered every inch of the space.

The possibility of a second trip to Dish Network in Harlingen to retrieve the rest of the donations was most likely going to happen.

The more than 3,800 items were all donated by the 700 employees who work there.

Yesterday, it was all picked up by Forest Walker, San Benito Food Pantry president, and her team of volunteers.

This food will go to the food pantry to help feed families for the holidays and weeks to come.

Before the load was taken to the pantry, the boxes upon boxes filled a medium-sized meeting room.

Food was piled high almost to the ceiling.

Upon seeing the grand donation, Walker cried. No matter how many times she’s experienced such generosity, the sight of donations going to people in need always makes her emotional.

“I just get so overwhelmed when I see it all,” she said, pushing past the tears of joy.

In addition, fundraising efforts enabled the company to purchase 17 hams and 17 turkeys.

This was just the latest donation to the food pantry.

Last week, the pantry received 1,000 plus items each from the San Benito High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program and San Benito Police Department.

The Dish Network says service is a large part of the company. It is called DISH Cares, which promotes community engagement through employee volunteerism. Launched in 2014, the program aims to protect the environment through sustainable business practices, promote employee engagement in the community and provide emergency telecommunications services to aid in disaster relief efforts.

It was Human Resources Manager Charmane Saunders who first introduced Walker to the program.

In an effort to serve the local community that patronizes Dish Network, she thought, what better way to give back than to give to the San Benito Food Pantry.

It was closer to home and would have a greater impact, she said.

Along with her team Anthony Cullen, Edna Rosenbaum and the hundreds of employees, they were able to pull off this year’s big donation, giving hope to Walker and the thousands that depend on her.

The San Benito Food Pantry serves more than 5,000 families a month and all the food is donated. The numbers also tend to grow during the holidays.

Walker said this donation to the pantry will last about three weeks.