City selling practice field to school district

HARLINGEN — An old practice field might be transforming itself.

City commissioners are selling an 11.2-acre tract next to Dr. Abraham P. Cano Freshman Academy to the Harlingen school district for $175,000.

Upon the request of Stuart Title Co., commissioners last week approved a resolution authorizing the sale.

After the district built its ninth-grade campus, officials began negotiating a sale for the field, where the district built a parking lot, City Manager Dan Serna said.

For years, an agreement allowed the school district to use the land as a practice field, said Shane Strubhart, the district’s spokesman.

Strubhart said the district plans to use the land for “future development.”

“They have no immediate plans for the property yet,” Strubhart said.

Serna said the district’s students will continue to use the land.

“We know the school district will put it to good use,” Serna said. “It will remain something to serve the students of the district, so that’s a positive.”