Outlaw bikers

BROWNSVILLE — When the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority invites more people to use the S.H. 550 toll road, it doesn’t mean bicyclists.

Still, along with a general increase in traffic, CCRMA said its personnel have observed a growing number of cyclists using segments of the turnpike, the first constructed in Cameron County.

Although scooters, construction and farm vehicles also have been spotted making unauthorized use of the road, bikes are the primary scofflaws, CCRMA communications director Michelle Lopez said.

With 18-wheelers whizzing by at 60 to 65 mph and shoulders too narrow for a cyclist to safely ride, it’s literally an accident waiting to happen, Lopez said.

CCRMA is warning bicycle riders to steer clear of the turnpike before someone gets hurt or killed, she said.

“It’s not a big number of cyclists, but it’s enough to catch our attention to do something about it,” Lopez said.

CCRMA plans to erect signs spelling out the rules, an action to be followed by an enforcement presence, she said.

“Once we start putting up signs we will have law enforcement on the toll road to issue citations,” Lopez said.

Just what type of misdemeanor will be worked out with CCRMA’s legal department, she said.

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