San Benito musicians prepared for Mercedes Street Festival

HARLINGEN — Ok Robot has fresh

lyrics, guitar crunch and smooth bass and drumbeats all types of music lovers can appreciate.

San Benito music band Ok Robot will be headlining the community stage at the Mercedes Street Festival Saturday at 10 p.m.

“I can’t wait to play Saturday,” said Jimi Fro, Ok Robot, founding member. “It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

Fro started the band with his friends Mario Gonzales and Eddie Skyline who have been friends since they were eight years old.

The three learned to play music together.

Like many famous musicians, they are self taught. Fro learned to play guitar, Gonzalez the bass and Skyline, the drums.

In high school, they found their lead vocalist Emily Rodriguez and then added Mercedes native Robert Saldana on lead guitar and backup vocals.

“It’s going to be great playing on the big stage in my own hometown,” Saldana said.

Ok Robot will be performing songs from their latest album. And it’s their second year in a row rocking out at the Texas Street Festival.

“I listen to those songs and remember both the good and bad, but I love that,” Fro said.

The songs on the album are a smash of grunge, punk, rock, psychedelic and alternative music reflecting the bands life growing up in the Valley.

In mainstream music comparisons, Ok Robot has the same sound music lovers enjoy bobbing their head or jumping around, too.

“Our album is really a direct representation of ourselves,” said Emily Rodriguez, Ok Robot vocalist. “We took on a lot of new great life experiences as well as some bad times and turned them into songs.”

Rodriguez said Ok Robot music represents the process of coming of age and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

“I hope it inspires people with a sense of purpose to work toward their heart’s desires,” Rodriguez said.