Water pressure returns in Santa Rosa, boil water notice still in effect

SANTA ROSA — Water pressure in the city was back to normal yesterday.

But the notice to boil water remains in effect for city residents, until further notice.

“It’s going to be in effect until we get lab results back,” said Jared Hockema, Santa Rosa administrative consultant. “We’re testing the water right now and once we get the results back we will lift the boil water notice.”

Hockema, who is a consultant for the city, said notice will be sent out once the city finds out if the water is safe to consume.

However, it was a malfunction at the water plant that caused the boil notice, not necessarily contaminated water.

The city has sent water samples to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Department of State Health Services to be tested.

Due to equipment failure this past weekend at the Santa Rosa Water Treatment Plant, TCEQ required the city to notify customers of the need to boil their water before consumption.

To ensure destruction of all harmful bacteria and other microbes, water for drinking, cooking, and making ice should be boiled and cooled before use.

The water should be brought to a vigorous, rolling boil and then boiled for two minutes.

Hockema said there was a leaking pump at the plant and it was shorting out, causing electrical problems and the loss of water pressure.

“We have not received notice that the water is contaminated,” Hockema said.

Hockema said anytime there’s a loss in pressure or if the city receives word the water is contaminated, the city needs to take precautions to protect its citizens.

“We have already tested samples of water but it does take awhile to be tested in the lab,” Hockema said.

He said people can bathe in the water and use it to irrigate crops.

“In order for us to be able to tell people that they can drink that water, cook with it or make ice with it, we have to have the lab results back,” Hockema said.